Garcia Rainey Blank & Bowerbank LLP, Attorneys in Orange County

Kendra Carney Mehr

Main: (714) 382-7000
Fax: (714) 784-0031

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4 Park Plaza, Suite 520
Irvine, CA 92614-5214

Kendra Carney Mehr

Of Counsel

Prior to working with Garcia Rainey Blank & Bowerbank LLP, Ms. Carney Mehr served as a Deputy City Attorney to the City of Long Beach, where she advised the Police and Fire Departments, Development Services Department, Parks, Recreation, and Marine Department, Innovation and Technology Department, Fleet Services, and Special Events and Filming Department.  She advised her departmental clients regarding unique issues pertaining to unmanned aircraft, medical marijuana, and privacy and freedom of speech issues, and drafted appellate briefs and writ applications, including briefing a medical marijuana case before the California Supreme Court. She also provided contract general counsel and city attorney services as an associate with Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart, APC.